Answers to Tough Questions
Unfiltered Answers To Tough Questions about Porn, Masturbation, Sex Addiction and Marriage
Why is it a big deal if I masturbate when I feel stressed?
If you struggle with masturbation, then you know the power of this issue in your life. You have likely tried to stop and are now looking for ways to cultivate a healthier relationship between yourself and God’s gift of sexuality.
What are the signs of a sex addict? Is it just porn use or something more?
If you’ve tried to quit countless times but keep going back to unwanted patterns, these are signs of an issue and you would do well to take a look at it.
How do I stop using pornography?
If you want to stop using porn, you’re going to have to really be honest with yourself and almost ruthless.
Here are some practical ways to protect yourself from the temptation to use pornography
How do I know if I’m addicted to porn?
Porn addiction is a real thing, and it can have serious consequences for your life. The way to know if you’re addicted to porn is if you see some of these signs in your life:
What is so wrong with masturbation? How do I stop if I’ve started?
If you struggle with masturbation, then you know the power of this issue in your life. You have likely tried to stop and are now looking for ways to cultivate a healthier relationship between yourself and God’s gift of sexuality.
Why are Churches Hesitant to Address the Issue of Pornography
Porn addiction is a growing problem, but many churches are reluctant to address it. This article explores the reasons behind the hesitance and insights to address it.
Porn Addiction: Why It’s So Difficult For Men and Women To Stop
Porn addiction is real. Here’s how it works, why it’s so difficult to overcome, and a first step you can take to start the healing process.
Why Porn Addiction Is Hard To Quit Even With Recovery Groups
Some people are able to quit porn addiction by simply attending recovery groups. But for many, their circumstances and unique brain wiring make it impossible to beat this addiction with simple steps.
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