In our counseling ministry, God is so faithful to pour out his love on the people who come to NCM. He often does that by first filling us up with his love for that person. We then share that with them. The end result is pretty amazing. In this month’s Impact Story Lila Pisor shares an experience she had with “Anne” (not her real name). Her story is a reminder of how much the Lord desires to connect with each of us deeply and intimately, and how vital that is to the healing of our hearts.

The following is by Lila Pisor

I often begin my counseling sessions by praying with the client and asking for God’s guidance. At the end I will pray once more, covering the issues that came up during the session. During this prayer I also listen for whatever God may want to say. I did this with Anne each time we met.

Anne was referred by a friend from church who had experienced a profound healing at New Creation Ministries. Like so many of our female clients, Anne was in deep pain due to her husband’s infidelity. However, unlike most betrayed spouses, she reached out for help almost immediately (instead of “keeping the secret” and letting things fester). She was understandably angry with her husband for the trauma he’d caused. But she also realized that she needed help with her pain and anguish to prevent her from becoming hopelessly resentful and bitter. The last thing she wanted, Anne said, was “to live in bondage to an unforgiving heart.”

She and her husband (who was receiving counseling from Rocky) both wanted to save the marriage and keep their family intact. In the sessions that followed Anne shared the brokenness and heartache she had experienced as a child due to her parents’ divorce. As a result, she was desperate (throughout her childhood and adolescence) to find love. Sadly, she went from one hurtful relationship to another. After finding what she thought was a happy and stable marriage with her husband she found herself dealing with her worst nightmare. During our sessions she eventually understood that only Jesus could give her the unconditional love she’d been searching for her whole life.

As we reached the end of our most recent session I settled into prayer, and offered thanks for God’s goodness and presence. As I listened for direction I became emotional. I was “choking up” and could hardly continue. My heart was being powerfully struck by how much God loved this young woman. I felt overwhelming compassion for her. I haltingly shared with her what I was experiencing. With an emotion-laced voice I told her just how much her Heavenly Father loved her. As I looked up (through my tears) I was greeted by her equally tear-stained face. Walking her to the door after our session I struggled to gather myself together. After she left I still felt undone by God’s presence.

It was a powerful time and a reminder of how much the Lord desires to connect with each of us deeply and intimately, and how vital this is to the healing of our hearts. It is amazing to see how God continues to mend relationships that are broken by betrayal. Not only does Anne have a fresh relationship with God she is now experiencing true intimacy with her husband. We are so blessed as a ministry to see Jesus’s healing power at work, day in and day out, with no stopping in sight!

Our trained counselors can help you with the following concerns:

  • Marriage Problems
  • Pornography Addiction
  • Sexual Anorexia
  • Betrayal Trauma
  • Childhood Trauma
  • Gender Dysphoria
  • Intimacy with God
  • Healing our God-image