Marriage Matrix – Videos
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Marriage Matrix – Video Sessions featuring Russell Willingham
Session 1: Introduction [8:03]
There are four things that all marriages must do well in order to thrive. We call them The Marriage Matrix and they are: Communication, Fun, Sex, and Partnership. For many couples, Partnership occupies the majority of their focus, leaving the other quadrants either neglected or practically non-existent. In this session, Russell Willingham teaches about the fruit that comes from a balanced approach.
Session 2: Communication [34:57]
Communication with our spouse requires a crucial component. Without it, we just dump our emotions, air our opinions or say cutting things that wound others. In this session, Russell Willingham teaches what this quality is, what many of us substitute for it, and how to practice the real thing.
Session 3: Fun [23:52]
Having fun and playing together is critical to a healthy marriage. It is so important the Bible actually commands it! No marriage will thrive which ignores this biblical key to joy and relational vitality. In this session, Russell Willingham unpacks the surprising things the Bible has to say about this indispensable subject.
Session 4: Sex [30:06]
Sex in marriage can bring so many incredible benefits: joy, intimacy, strengthened immune systems—even a taste of heaven. But for many couples, it is often a battleground. In this session, Russell Willingham teaches about one of the main reasons for this struggle—a misunderstanding of Christianity itself.
Session 5: Partnership [36:18]
The husband and wife relationship is unique above all relationships. We are to honor, respect, and care for each other above all else. In this session, Russell Willingham teaches what happens when we allow other "important" things to come before that Partnership, and how to stay diligent in our relationship.
Session 6: Conclusion [7:52]
There aren't any shortcuts. If we want our marriage to flourish and thrive we can't skip the important stuff. In this session, Russell Willingham wraps up our series with a challenge to pick up the new tools we've learned and do the hard work to build a strong marriage.
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