The Power Of An Hour

The Power Of An Hour

We had waited nine months. I had felt him kick beneath my wife’s stomach, had sung him songs, and told him stories through the skin barrier that separated us. But here I was in my scrubs standing in a delivery room, when it happened. The doctor pulled Brandon Michael...
Hope When All Seems Lost

Hope When All Seems Lost

Dear Mike, Thank you for helping me with all my questions about my gender-confused son. Thank you for this amazing ministry! My family is so grateful for your help! Aaron Just a few days before receiving this note, Aaron and Brenda had requested prayer for their...
The Healing Power of Jesus

The Healing Power of Jesus

In our counseling ministry, God is so faithful to pour out his love on the people who come to NCM. He often does that by first filling us up with his love for that person. We then share that with them. The end result is pretty amazing. In this month’s Impact Story...
Standing Strong For Truth

Standing Strong For Truth

At NCM we are completely reliant on the Lord. This applies to everything from our counseling work to our overall approach to running the ministry. We need the Lord to speak to us and guide us every step of the way (and he has been faithful to do it). I could cite many...
Bringing the Ultimate Issue to Light in our Lives

Bringing the Ultimate Issue to Light in our Lives

By Mike Manzie & Rocky Pisor Each day I have the great privilege of hearing the wonderful testimonies that come out of our counseling sessions. Often these are breakthroughs where the Holy Spirit guides the session in a manner that exposes a genuine need. Once...
Meeting Needs in the Digital Age

Meeting Needs in the Digital Age

On the evening of September 20th, 2018 at our annual banquet I told our guests that God was doing something. I said, “For years we have had a great burden to see to it that people everywhere have access to the healing tools Jesus has given us at NCM. We are praying,...